Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Love For Mental Health


 The Quest

Since when I was a child, I always had a strong interest and deep curiosity with how the human brain works and I always wondered why some people acquire mental illness and why others don’t. I always had this feeling of sympathy to these people that I thought of a mission that one day I would give them the love and care that they deserve and with that goal in my mind I pursued Bachelor of Science in Nursing as my college degree here in the Philippines. Of all the clinical rotations I had in my duty days, I find myself more interested in patient teaching and creating a therapeutic relationship with the patients was more fulfilling to me and soon I realized that mental health nursing has not escaped from my heart through time. I really enjoyed my psych rotation as a nursing student wherein I had enhanced my active listening skills and critical thinking and made me believe in the whole "authentic presence" approach to interpersonal and therapeutic communication. It came to my realization that whenever I come across a patient as a person, rather than as a patient, they would easily open up and ease down the walls that they have built within them to hide their fear from stigma and endless discrimination. I then had the chance to sneak inside of their lives for just a moment and I believe that is the true essence of patient care. Psych Nursing allows me to understand and appreciate the person as a whole, not just a person with illness or disorder.

Why this field?

People with mental illness are the ones that had been forgotten by the society or like wanting to forget about and this reality is really sad. I want to take care of patients that no one else wants to care for, these patients deserve the right treatment without judging them. I want to inspire these kind of people. I want someone to look at me and say “because of you I didn’t give up”.


In return, my patients taught me a lot about life, that we are all the same, that we will end up on the same road no matter how life treats us.


Let’s all raise mental health awareness. Being mentally healthy is more important than being physically healthy. You couldn’t get into the motion if your mind won’t let you. Your mind affects how you think, how you move, and most importantly how you live.

Let’s end stigma, these people doesn’t deserve humiliation from the society rather they deserve love and affection from people who believes in them and from people who they believe will help them start again.

Personal Mission

I would like to leave a legacy in this profession wherein I can give a positive impact on the professional development of nursing in this special area which is mental health and could change people’s lives dealing with mental illness by helping them and believing in them that they could overcome their illnesses and can start a new life again. I also started this blog site as my way to express my love for mental health and personal development.

APA badge

About: This blog post is dedicated to American Psychological Association’s Mental Health Blog Day Event. This blog tends to give importance to people with mental illness and raise the mental health awareness in the society.


  1. Because of you, no one will give up.. :)

  2. Dr. Ajay Kumar did his doctorate in Medicine from the prestigious All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India. He did his residencey in physical medicine and rehabiliatation at Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia .
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